What is Gatco?
GATCO is the professional body which represents the professional interests and opinions of those in the UK Air Traffic Management (ATM) profession. Membership is open to civilian Air Traffic Controllers, all military Air Operations Controllers, Flight Information Service Officers and anyone involved in ATM support; including non-operational positions. GATCO members are employed at units from small general aviation airfields, major international airports, military airfields and en-route centres. Members also include UK licensed controllers working abroad and those who have retired from the profession but maintain an interest.
Membership is open to the corporate sector which can benefit from GATCO’s wealth of professional and technical expertise.
GATCO deals with the professional and technical interests of those working in the air traffic management profession – it is not a union and does not deal with employment issues such as terms and conditions.
Run by the Executive Board, GATCO is also supported by other officers and a team of representatives who sit on various key aviation committees.
Our team
Executive Board
Jez Pigden
Deputy President and Vice President Finance and Admin
Executive Board
Jez Pigden
Deputy President and Vice President Finance and Admin
Executive Board
David Hewitt
President and Chief Executive Officer
Executive Board
David Hewitt
President and Chief Executive Officer
Executive Board
Olivia May
Executive Secretary
Executive Board
Olivia May
Executive Secretary
Executive Board
Adam Exley
Vice President Policy
Executive Board
Adam Exley
Vice President Policy
Executive Board
Aisha McClement
Professional and Legal Manager
Executive Board
Aisha McClement
Professional and Legal Manager
Executive Board
Jamie Jones
Finance Manager
Executive Board
Jamie Jones
Finance Manager
Executive Board
David Johnson
Technical and Operations Manager
Executive Board
David Johnson
Technical and Operations Manager
Executive Board
Kate Chandler
Admin Manager
Executive Board
Kate Chandler
Admin Manager
Executive Board
Laura Whittaker
Communications Manager
Executive Board
Laura Whittaker
Communications Manager
Executive Board
Mark Taylor
Immediate Past President
Executive Board
Mark Taylor
Immediate Past President
Max Shortley
Membership Services
Max Shortley
Membership Services
Company Director
Luis Barbero
Company Director
Luis Barbero
Company Director
Chris Stock
Company Director
Chris Stock
Company Director
Rob Marshall
Company Director
Rob Marshall
Aviation Organisations
For many years GATCO has provided representatives to serve on other aviation organisation’s committees. It is through these channels that GATCO exerts influence and provides help and advice to the wider aviation community. Further information can be obtained by emailing info@gatco.org. GATCO currently or has previously represented on the following committees:
CAA Airspace Infringement Challenge Group (AICG)
All the issues relating to airspace infringement in UK airspace are addressed through this Civil Aviation Authority Challenge Group.
CAA National Air Traffic Management Advisory Committee (NATMAC)
The CAA’s Director of Airspace Policy (DAP) carries out consultations on aviation legislation changes. To get a wide variety of views the NATMAC provides a panel of representatives from all aspects of aviation who advise DAP on all airspace requirements.
Air Pilots Technical Committee, The Honourable Company of Air Pilots
The Air Pilots Technical Committee is the focal point for all aviation technical matters within the The Honourable Company of Air Pilots. This Guild sponsors and encourages action and activities designed to ensure that aircraft are piloted and navigated safely by both pilots and navigators.
Air Traffic Services Group (ATS), BALPA
The British Airline Pilots Association’s (BALPAS’) ATS group provides detailed comment on Air Traffic Management (ATM), ATC and issues emanating from the UK, European and International regulators, Government and ICAO.
Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Group (RPAS), BALPA
The British Airline Pilots Association’s (BALPAS’) RPAS group continually reviews technology, supports research, assesses potential risks, and works with regulators on new legislation in the RPAS domain to make commercial aviation as safe as possible.
Association of UK Flight Information Service Officers (AUKFISO)
The AUKFISO unites all the Flight Information Service (FIS) units throughout the UK. They deal with the various aspects of the FIS service and work with the CAA on enhancing and developing the service members units provide.
Confidential Human Factors Incident Reporting Programme (CHIRP)
The main aim of CHIRP is to contribute to the enhancement of aviation safety in the UK by providing a totally independent and confidential reporting system for all individuals employed in or associated with the aviation industry.
General Aviation Advisory Board (GAAB)
The General Aviation Advisory Board (GAAB) discusses reports concerning GA pilots relating to incidents where they have made mistakes or errors, but also include reports about other issues such as airspace, aircraft equipment, and procedures. Reports are also received from Air Traffic Controllers, Engineers, Maintainers and occasionally Ground Handling & Security operatives.
RAeS ATM Specialist Group
The ATM Specialist Group exists within RAeS to act as an independent sounding board for government, industry and oversight bodies. The aim is to scrutinise, question, influence and propose ways forward that lead to better regulation, common sense approaches and overall improved outcomes for aviation.
RAeS Flight Operations Group (FOG)
The FOG of the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) represents the views and interests of those involved in all aspects of flight operations with a particular focus on commercial transport. The group includes commercial, private and glider pilots, flight engineers, air traffic controllers, cabin crew and managers.
RAeS Remotely Piloted and Autonomous Aircraft Systems (RPAAS) Specialist Group
The RPAAS Group of the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) aims to act as focus for all RAeS’ activities on RPAAS and promotes the safe and effective development, production and operation of RPAAS for defence, security and commercial purposes.
UK Airprox Board
The UK Airprox Board’s primary objective is to enhance air safety in the UK, in particular in respect of lessons to be learned and applied from Airprox occurrences reported within UK airspace. UKAB is sponsored jointly, and funded equally, by the CAA and the Military Aviation Authority (MAA). Members are nominated by civil/military organisations, sitting as experts and not representing any group or organisation.
UK Flight Safety Committee (UKFSC)
The UKFSC is a fully representative group of aviation safety professionals committed to further the cause of flight safety. Their meetings are attended by airlines, regulators, experts from most disciplines within the industry and unions to discuss accidents, incidents and safety issues within the aviation industry.
ICAO Safety Management Panel
The safety management panel (SMP) undertakes specific studies and develops ICAO provisions for safety management. The work of the Panel concentrates mainly on Annex 19, but also on other documents, such as the Safety Management Manual (SMM).
Shared Airspace Council
The Shared Airspace Council was formed to provide a platform at which issues surrounding the safe integration for all airspace users can be considered, discussed and evidenced.
Future Airspace Strategy Industry Information Group (FASIIG)
FASIIG, a subgroup of the Future Airspace Strategy (FAS) coordinates the activities required across the aviation sector to develop an efficient UK airspace that has the capacity to meet change in demand for UK airspace, while at the same time balancing the needs of all stakeholders, maintaining the levels of safey and reducing the environmental impact of the aviation sector.
General Aviation Safety Council (GASCo)
GASCo is a charity that works to improve flight safety in all forms of general aviation. It is funded by the contributions of member organisations, pilots, aviation authorities and the public.
BALPA Emerging Technologies Group
BALPA Accident Analysis & Prevention
BALPA Environmental Steering Group
BALPA Security Group
In 1952, a group of far-sighted controllers set about the task of organising a professional body that could safeguard and promote the profession of air traffic control. Their endeavours quickly attracted support and, during 1954, the Guild of Air Traffic Control Officers (GATCO) was officially formed, listing some 278 foundation members. The original principles of GATCO have stood the test of time.
If you want to find out about the history of ATC in the UK, have a look at GATCO’s ATC history website, run by GATCO historian, John Levesley.
Masters & Presidents
- 1954 - 1955 C A Robinson
- 1955 - 1956 G E Lillywhite
- 1956 - 1957 E Vincent-Miller
- 1957 - 1958 B F Collins
- 1958 - 1959 W C Woodruff
- 1959 - 1960 K I Pearson
- 1960 - 1962 A Field
- 1962 - 1963 J Macdonald
- 1963 - 1964 K B Crosby
- 1964 - 1965 J N Toseland
- 1965 - 1966 N Alcock
- 1966 - 1967 L S Vass
- 1967 - 1968 P D S Mealing
- 1968 - 1969 A Field
- 1969 - 1970 W E J Groves
- 1970 - 1972 T H Harrison
- 1972 - 1973 P J Martin
- 1973 - 1974 E C Dyer
- 1974 - 1975 T S Johnston
- 1975 - 1978 L W Curry
- 1978 - 1980 L W Curry
- 1980 - 1984 R J Timlett
- 1984 - 1986 E G H Green
- 1986 - 1990 C J Stock
- 1990 - 1995 D W F Grace
- 1995 - 1996 S P Tyas
- 1998 - 1999 P C Templeman
- 1999 - 2004 R E J Dawson
- 2004 - 2007 J M Levesley
- 2007 - 2010 R Marshall
- 2010 - 2013 S W Brindley
- 2013 - 2017 J Ogilvie
- 2017 - 2021 L Barbero
- 2021 - 2023 M Taylor
- 2024 - D Hewitt