An air traffic controller



The benefits of membership are mainly two fold – protection of your profession and benefits for you as an individual involved in the Air Traffic Management (ATM) industry.

As well as looking after your professional interests, membership of GATCO also provides a number of significant personal benefits in the form of offers and discounts on shopping, entertainment and healthcare.

Professional Benefits

The world of ATM is changing fast and the profession needs to ensure it is fully represented in discussions on future ATM systems and operations, which will affect the profession and your career. GATCO ensures that your views are heard both nationally and internationally so that the future of ATM is shaped up by operational expertise, requirements and concerns.

Taking an active role within GATCO is possible but it is not a requirement. Simply being a member still brings you numerous benefits as well as providing your support to others who are able to look after the profession on your behalf.


GATCO members can access Benefits+, an integrated platform with a large number of discounts and offers to help you save money on groceries, fashion, tech, experience days and motoring. Benefits+ has been developed in collaboration with Parliament Hill Ltd and has the potential to save each GATCO member hundreds of pounds a year.

Experiences That Could Enhance Your Career

Being a member of GATCO can provide the opportunity to attend and fully take part in committees and other technical and professional events that could enhance your career. Representing GATCO at such committees can lead to other positions within GATCO that could mean international meetings and direct experiences of international issues, regulation and policies. In most cases, these experiences are not available to you in your day to day job.


  • Air Traffic Control Officers - £9.50 per month
  • Air Operations (Controllers) - £9.50 per month
  • Flight Information Service Officers - £9.50 per month
  • Air Traffic Control Officers Overseas Rate - £7.25 per month
  • Non Operational Positions - £7.25 per month
  • Air Traffic Management Support - £5.75 per month
  • Retired Members - £3.60 per month
  • Student Members - £1.00 per month

Tax Deductible

You are able to claim the tax back on your membership subscriptions. You are subscribing to a recognised professional body so your subscriptions are tax deductible.

For more information about how to do this, read up on the UK Government website on “Claim tax relief for your job expenses."

Get involved

The pace of change in the ATM profession has been accelerating in recent years and many aspects of our profession will experience significant changes in the near future, be it on the technical, professional, human factors or regulatory sides. For those reasons, we are always on the look out for new members to get involved in GATCO and make sure we can influence the future of the ATM profession in as many areas as possible.

If you have an interest in your profession outside of your daily job and want to share your views and those of our members at the highest national and international levels, we would love to hear from you. You can help GATCO in a number of ways and no previous experience is necessary:

  • Collaborate with the policies team in creating new GATCO policies.
  • Represent GATCO in other aviation-related UK organisations.
  • Coordinate GATCO’s response to UK airspace consultations.
  • Get involved in SESAR projects within the SESAR 2020 framework, as an advisor from a professional staff organisation (the term used for GATCO and other similar associations within SESAR).
  • Become an ICAO representative to influence the future of aviation at the highest level.
  • Help with the day to day running of GATCO.
  • Bring ATM-related professional issues to the attention of the GATCO.

In all the above areas, you will have the opportunity to meet fellow air traffic controllers from the UK and beyond. Some of the roles will require some level of national or international travel, funded by GATCO.

In addition, collaborating with GATCO and IFATCA, you will develop your professional CV, be at the forefront of our profession, influence regulators, ANSPs and other associations which are currently shaping up the future of ATM.

If any of the above interests you and want to get involved, please send us an email at, explaining what your professional interests are and we will make sure you can develop them further within GATCO.